LIGHT Networks
LIGHT Networks
LIGHT is actively engaged with the wider TB community and networks to join efforts for maximum impact. LIGHT team members hold different positions within various TB networks and groups. This includes being active members, a chair or co-chair of global technical working groups, advisory groups, societies and coalitions that share the LIGHT's objectives to improve health, social and economic outcomes for people impacted by TB. Some of these networks and connections are highlighted below.
Global Networks
WHO-TDR is a global programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases, which utilises scientific collaborations to help facilitate, support and influence efforts to combat diseases of poverty. It is co-sponsored by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO). LIGHT is involved in a number of TDR's committees and scientific and technical working groups:
- WHO-TDR Scientific Working Group on Research for Implementation: LIGHT's Research Director, Professor Bertie Squire, chairs TDR Scientific Working Group on Research for Implementation to provide support to specific portfolio workplans. Members review and prioritise proposed activities, screen and select projects, recommend funding and follow-up progress and evaluation of results.
- WHO-TDR Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee (STAC): STAC members provide independent external review and advice on the scope, strategic planning and implementation of TDR's scientific and technical activities. LIGHT's Research Director, Professor Bertie Squire, is a memebr of STAC.
WHO Global Tuberculosis Progroamme- Social Protection Working Group: LIGHT's Senior Clinical Lecturer, Dr Tom Wingfield, is a member of this group.
The Global Fund Technical Review Panel consists of an independant group of experts in HIV, tuberculosis, malaria, human rights and gender, health systems and sustainable financing, who are responsible for evaluating the technical merit and strategic focus of all funding applications. The review panel acts as an advisory body to the Global Fund Board. LIGHT Team Lead at ReSoK in Kenya, Professor Jeremiah Chakaya, is a member of the panel.
The International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (Union): The Union is a global scientific organisation with the mission to improve lung health among people living in poverty.
- The Union Board of Directors forms one of three groups of elected leadership by its members. LIGHT's Research Director, Professor Bertie Squire, & LIGHT Team Lead at ReSoK in Kenya, Professor Jeremiah Chakaya, both served as former presidents of the Union in 2008 and 2016 respectively.
- The Union Working Group on Gender Equity in TB: This working group is co-chaired by LIGHT's Research Uptake Manager at LSTM, Dr Kerry Millington, and LIGHT's Team Lead at LSHTM, Dr Katherine Horton. Other LIGHT team members including LIGHT' CEO, Dr Rachael Thomson, LIGHT's Research Director, Professor Bertie Squire, and LIGHT's Senior Clinical Lecturer, Dr Tom Wingfield, are all members of this group.
- The Union Working Group on Malnutrition and TB: LIGHT's Senior Clinical Lecturer, Dr Tom Wingfield, is a member of this group.
UK Academics & Professionals to End TB (UKAPTB): A forum for coordinating advocacy and political engagement, and facilitating collaboration between UK-based TB researchers. LIGHT's Research Uptake Manager at LSTM, Dr Kerry Millington, is the current co-Chair of UKAPTB executive committee. Other LIGHT team members including LIGHT' CEO, Dr Rachael Thomson, LIGHT's Research Director, Professor Bertie Squire, LIGHT's Team Lead at LSHTM, Dr Katherine Horton, LIGHT's Knowledge Exchange Officer, Dr Taghreed El Hajj, LIGHT's Senior Clinical Lecturer, Dr Tom Wingfield, LIGHT's Post-doctoral Research Associate on Gender & Equity, Dr. Beate Ringwald, and LIGHT's Operational Modeller and Health Economist, Ewan Tomeny, are all members of UKAPTB.
Health and Social Protection Action Research & Knowledge Sharing (SPARKS) Network: In March 2023, LIGHT's Senior Clinical Lecturer, Dr Tom Wingfield, was nominated onto the SPARKS Steering Committee. Other LIGHT team members at LSTM including, including LIGHT' CEO, Dr Rachael Thomson, LIGHT's Research Director, Professor Bertie Squire, LIGHT's Research Uptake Manager, Dr Kerry Millington, and the Operational Modeller and Health Economist, Ewan Tomeny, are also current members of the SPARKS Network.
Social Science & Health Innovation for Tuberculosis (SSHIFTB): LIGHT's Early Career Researchers, Dr Jasper Nidoi and Dr Ebuka Ugwu, and Senior Clinical Lecturer, Dr Tom Wingfield, are current members of SSHIFTB.
Stop TB Partnership: LIGHT's Team Lead at ReSoK in Kenya, Professor Jeremiah Chakaya, held the position of a Vice Chair of the Stop TB Partnership Coordinating Board.
Global Health Hub Germany: LIGHT's Post-doctoral Research Associate on Gender & Equity, Dr. Beate Ringwald, is a member of this network and a member of the Global Women’s Hub Community Working Group.
Health Systems Global comprises a wide range of researchers, decision-makers and implementers who are dedicated to promoting health policy and systems research (HPSR) and knowledge generation. LIGHT's Post-doctoral Research Associate on Gender & Equity, Dr. Beate Ringwald, is a member of this organisation.