Research in Malawi
Research in Malawi
LIGHT partners at the Malawi Liverpool Welcome Programme (MLW) are conducting research to investigate optimal strategies that increase uptake of community-based TB active-case finding (ACF) approaches among men, as well as exploring its associated impact on TB transmission, morbidity and mortality among men, women and children. Effective identification and timely treatment of undetected TB among men leads to reduction of TB-related morbidity and mortality and reduces further transmission to other men, women, and children.
Research activities carried out by the MLW team include:
- Use of Bayesian multi-level statistical modelling of TB prevalence survey data from low- and middle-income countries, synthesise available data and estimate the male-to-female gender-gap in engagement with TB screening activities; as well as using partial-pooling of data and investigate how this varies by age group, district and country.
- Work with key stakeholders (community members, National TB programmes, researchers, policymakers) to identify intervention strategies that would be feasible and acceptable to increase male and youth engagement with community-based TB active case finding activities.
- Use of mathematical transmission modelling to investigate the potential epidemiological impact of interventions that increase male and youth engagement in community-based TB active case finding interventions.
- Develop and pilot interventions to increase male and youth engagement with TB active case finding interventions. This includes evaluating feasibility, acceptability and potential impact to inform the scale-up of interventions and implementation evaluation, with the overall objective of changing gendered norms and rapidly improving TB care and prevention.
The LIGHT research team in Malawi will also be conducting a photovoice project to advance person-centred TB diagnosis, treatment and care among young people (aged 15-24) in Lilongwe.
You can also watch this video, where Mphatso outlines how his modelling work is helping with finding and treating young men with undiagnosed tuberculosis (TB) in Blantyre, Malawi, thereby reducing transmission within the community, including to women and children. His research work will ultimately contribute to a decline in TB in Malawi through collaborating with key national stakeholders to inform policy and practice.