Scientific Conferences

Scientific Conferences

LIGHT team members are constantly participating in national, regional and international scientific conferences to present their research findings and network with the wider TB community, including establishing new collaborations and strengthening exisisting ones.


  • The Ministry of Health National TB and Leprosy Science Summit in Kampala, Uganda, 18-19 Mar 2024: MLI co-organised a symposium on “National TB and Leprosy Programme (NTLP) Research and Innovation”, in collaboration with the WHO, PEPFAR, the Global Fund, Stop TB Partnership and NTLP Uganda. The LIGHT Consortium's contributions included presenting research findings and conducting capacity-strengthening workshop.


  • The 6th Annual National Tuberculosis and Leprosy Stakeholder’s Conference -  Uganda (7-8 Dec 2023) – LIGHT ECR at MLI presented on designing TB case-finding interventions for men using participatory health-seeking pathways analysis.
  • The British Thoracic Society Conference - London (22 - 24 Nov 2023) - ReSoK Research Lead presented during the symposium titled “What must be done to end TB?”, chaired by LIGHT Research Uptake Manager at LSTM.
  • The Union World Conference on Lung Health: Transforming Evidence into Practice -  Paris, France (15-18 Nov 2023). The LIGHT Consortium’s participation was significant through five scientific sessions to share LIGHT research findings; one symposium; one community connect session; and one workshop on Photovoice methodology for researchers and practitioners.
  • The Africa Evidence Network (AEN) biennial meeting in Entebbe, Kenya (13-15 Sep 2023). LIGHT partner, AFIDEP presented on the Gender Perspective of Health Services on stakeholder engagement for TB.