Global Advocacy Activities
Global Advocacy Activities
UN Multi-Stakeholder Hearings on TB, Pandemic Prevention Preparedness and Response (PPPR), and Universal Health Coverage (UHC)
Representatives from the UK, including those from LSTM and the LIGHT Consortium, the UK Academics and Professionals to End TB (UKAPTB) network, LSHTM, Campaigns in Global Health, Results UK, and the Global TB Caucus, attended three key United Nations (UN) multistakeholder hearings on Tuberculosis (TB), Pandemic Prevention Preparedness and Response (PPPR), and Universal Health Coverage (UHC) at the UN headquarters in New York (8-9 May 2023). They contributed to the meetings' discussions through in-person and online interventions submitted via the UN Indico system.
Preparing for Impact: Briefing Session Ahead of the UN Hearings
Ahead of these pivotal hearings, LIGHT worked with Campaigns in Global Health, UKAPTB and the Treatment Action Group to hold a briefing and networking session. This event brought together academics and healthcare professionals to prepare for the hearings and to agree on mechanisms for contributing to the zero draft of the Political Declaration for the 2023 UN High-Level Meeting (UNHLM) on TB. Held at the German Centre for Research and Innovation New York, the session enabled participants to align key priorities and strengthen their collective voice on the global stage.
Contribution to the Political Declaration on TB
LIGHT, alongside global partners, academics and healthcare professionals, played a critical role in drafting an annotated version of the zero draft of the Political Declaration for the UNHLM on TB. These proposed amendments emphasised the need for a gender-responsive approach to TB and other strategic elements to ensure a robust and ambitious declaration. The draft was submitted to the UN country Missions, reflecting a united global push towards ending TB. The political adoption of commitments was evident in the UN Members States collectively recognising and affirming the necessity for a gender-responsive approach to TB.
LIGHT members, along with the global academic and professional community shared reflections and a renewal of hope, momentum, and commitment to ending TB , which was published in The Lancet Respiratory Medicine commentary.
Liverpool's First UKAPTB Network Event: Accelerating Action
The momentum continued with first in-person UKAPTB Network Event hosted by the LSTM's Centre for TB Research in Liverpool, on 26 January 2024. Supported by LIGHT, this one-day event fostered partnerships and sought collaboration opportunities across the UK and internationally to accelerate progress toward ending TB, including ensuring that TB is included in the antimicrobial resistance (AMR) agenda for the 2024 UNHLM. Through an informal, interactive environment, representatives from NHS England, the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA), local public health, affected communities, civil society, Parliamentarians, University-based researchers, health workers and funders shared their latest research findings, stories, thoughts and inspirations to tackle TB.
Expanding Engagement: Connecting the TB Community
LIGHT’s engagement with the wider TB community continues to grow through participating in key events, such as the APPG on Global TB on 20 March 2024, where they networked with UK MPs and other influential stakeholders. The World TB Day Symposium, hosted by UCL and LSHTM on 25 March 2024, further strengtehned LIGHT’s engagemnet, presenting an opportunity to share some of our reaserch findings in Nigerai.